Your Angling Companion

Your Specimen Angling Companion, Pro Carp now allows you to see venue insights including map data and compete with your friends in social and official competitions.

How it works – 5 Steps 

Step 1 – Become a Pro Carp Pro Member – once activated you will have extra features on the app to enter your catches. 

Step 2 – Download the free app from Google Play store or Apple App store  or Huawei can enquire here

Step 3 – Record your weigh-in on your phone and mention the date in your video

Step 4 – Take a photo of your catch 

Step 5 – Log a Catch on the app – Upload your photo and fill in your catch details including weight, carp species and venue (optional) and Submit. Go to ” My Catches” select the catch you’d like to enter and click on ” Enter into Competition”. You will now need to upload your weigh in video mentioning the date in your video.  

Catch Approval 

* Once the catch is logged it will be viewed by the marshals and approved if all is in order. If there are any uncertainties whatsoever regarding the weigh in, the catch will be declined. Reason for decline will be emailed to you. The catch will then remain unentered on your app. Should you have a second weigh in video or another video you can resubmit the catch from your My Catches log. 


1.  All fish must be over 10kg to qualify for the Tournament.

2. Wet Unhooking Mats and slings as well as all Standard Specimen Carp Care practice is compulsory. Should the carp care not be up to standard the marshals can decline the catch. 

3. Weigh sling must be weighed first and zeroed or Tared. The zeroed scale must be visible in the video. 

4. Should there an issue with the zeroing of the scale the exact weight of the sling and the exact weight of the fish in the sling must be visible in the video

5. Weigh-in video must not be longer than 2min. A video of 45 seconds should be enough to capture the information needed. 

6. The date of the capture must be mentioned in the weigh in video 

7. All captures logged must be within the South African borders and must be logged on the day of capture. Should there be any delay for whatever reason the catch must be logged no later than 7 days after capture. 

8.  Pro Carp  Marshalls reserve the right to dispute or decline any capture that does not adhere to these weigh in conditions or if dishonesty is suspected. 

9. Declined – In the event of a catch being declined, the reason for the decline will be emailed to the competitor. The competitor will be able to resubmit the catch on the app using another weigh in video of the catch.